Blonde escorts for North Rhine-Westphalia and UK escort and massage services by independent female escorts in North Rhine-Westphalia London and UK.

Stefanie - Independent Escort
Cologne Escort Service:  0049(0) 173 / 81 60 or Blonde Escort and London Escorts services

Escort ID7
Height5' 10
OvernightRequest Details
AreaNorth Rhine-Westphalia
TravelLocal, national & international
Telephone 10049(0) 173 / 81 60
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Services In Out
1 Hour €300 €300
2 Hour €500 €500
3 Hour €700 €700
Add Hour €200 €200
Overnight €1600 €1600
Stefanie's FEATURED AD
Hi Everyone!
I am fascinated by meeting interesting people, discovering their secret wishes and longings and by making theirs and my own dreams come true. This is why I have taken the decision to accompany distinguished gentlemen, but also open-minded ladies and couples in my spare time. I would be delighted to meet you in a first-class hotel of your choice or accompany you on a trip.
At representative events I will be an elegant, attractive and entertaining companion, who will fit the particular situation perfectly in style and appearance.
Should we meet for a private date in intimate circumstances, I will be a sensitive, sensual and passionate lover who will not get tired in surprising her partner with always new spoils and caresses.
Sex is in my opinion one of the most precious ways of human communication and when enhanced with fantasy and creativity it even may become an art-form. It makes me happy to gift my partner with moments of supreme happiness and leaves me with the feeling of having enriched his or her life.
Discretion is a golden rule for me! Whatever we will experience together will remain our precious secret forever! But please understand that I also expect that my sphere of privacy has to be respected!
It is my profession as personal fitness instructor that makes my body perfectly slender and fit. I am flexible like a tiger cat and my long, shapely legs always attract admiring looks.I love my body and do whatever necessary to keep it healthy, toned, perfectly groomed and beautiful. This way I feel well in my skin and make sure that my outside appearance is in harmony with my sunny personality.

I always choose my wardrobe according to the occasion. At representative events I will be an elegant, attractive and entertaining companion, who will fit the particular situation perfectly in style and appearance. For the romantic moments …seductive and very sexy!
I´m young enough in order to enjoy life as one great exciting adventure, but mature enough in order to know what I like and where are my limits. Unfortunately we live in many ways in dangerous times, and therefore I insist on protecting my guest´s health and naturally also my own!
I remain yours Stefanie Parker X X X
Stefanie is a professional escort. Any money paid to her is for time and companionship ONLY. Anything else that occurs is a matter of choice between consenting adults. Anything implied or inferred by any of the fantasies or stories within these pages is NOT to be taken as inducement for payment for anything other than time and companionship.
Stefanie - Independent Escort:  0049(0) 173 / 81 60 / ::  Blonde Escort and London Escorts services

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